International safety training
Next to an interesting task for expatriates, many countries also sadly offer an increased safety risk, from kidnappings, robberies and muggings all the way to political unrest.
Our safety training doesn't just take away anxieties; it also safeguards from the worst outcomes of many situations! Of course, it’s important to us not to scare your employees. But we nevertheless want to prepare your participants for every possible situation.
- This in-house training is also available as coaching.
- Language: English or German
- This offer is bookable as culture-general seminar [which includes safety know how concerning a lot of different cultures] or specially for one of our 80 target countries.
The experts we employ are former employees of security services and special forces units who have years of experience in difficult countries.
From the contents
The training is oriented towards current criminal tactics in the target country, the newest insights from stress research and perceptual psychology.
It's thus about the preventative recognition of safety risks on the one hand and safety-minded behavior in the case of an actual threat on the other.
- Realistic assessment of dangers abroad
- Awareness training/learning about current criminal tactics
- How the travel preparation can add a lot of safety!
- Usage of the infrastructure in the target country seen from safety aspects
- Criminal and victim behavior in situations of conflict and stress
- Appropriate behavior during criminal assaults and political unrest
- Live training of recommended behavior in selected situations
We’ll happily create an adapted program for you. Please contact our team!
Why Eidam & Partner?
Our seminars offer a vast mixture of methods: exercises, group challenges, simulations, case studies, videos, etc.
Our trainings are individually adjusted to your situation and needs; no ifs, not buts!
We have been exclusively concentrated on the optimization of international business contacts for more than 20 years.
Our senior experts are former employees of security services and special forces units who have years of experience in difficult countries.
We are particularly proud of the average grade of our trainings, which was 1.22 last year [1.0 = very good | 6.0 = very bad].
We work climate neutral: with green electricity, recycled paper, CO2 compensation via tree planting and many things more.
Numerous additional services are included with every Eidam & Partner training. This improves the sustainability of our trainings as well as the knowledge transfer.
We are looking forward to you!
More than 550 companies rank among our customers, including Airbus, Audi, HewlettPackard, Leoni and Siemens.
Allow us to win you over!