We optimize your international collaboration

... so that you can focus 100% on your actual tasks!

International team-building

Together with your team members, we shine a light on existing cultural differences. We show how individualists can become team players, how similarities can be reinforced and how differences can be bridged.

It’s particularly important to us that the participants develop solutions themselves – with the help of our experts, of course. We additionally integrate numerous joint exercises that build trust and personal relationships within the team.

We offer recent know how for your international business!


  • Language: English; other languages available on request
  • Location: In-house at your company, in rented seminar rooms all across the world, as a live online training or as Webinar
  • This workshop is also perfect for teams that work together mostly virtually [via e-mail, phone or web solutions].
  • We offer various additional options that can make your training even more sustainable, including our knowledge transfer check©, outdoor elements or our international team cooking course.

Trainers close to you - worldwide

Our 200+ senior experts live all across Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg and many other European countries. We also have trainers in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, as well as in North and South America. No matter if on-site or online; we are close to you!

Cross-cultural team-building training

From the content

We recommend having an analysis of the current team situation and existing improvement potential done before the workshop.

Module 1+2
  • What cultural differences exist throughout the world?
  • Your team’s cultural values | Analysis:
    • What values do the team members bring with them from their homelands?
    • What are the similarities and differences between the individual employees?
    • What difficulties could these lead to?
Module 3
  • How can different cultural values within the team be used positively?
  • Field-tested communication and working strategies/hints for [virtual] international teams
  • Effective process and project management within the team
  • Finding common basic values for future collaboration within the team
  • On request/if needed: Review of recent difficulties within the team; finding shared solutions
Module 4
  • Intensive module: Particularities, tips and best-practice examples for virtual collaboration [via e-mail, phone, business messaging apps or online meetings]
  • Conflict management: How to recognize conflicts early and thus deal with them in a culturally suitable way

We’ll gladly create an adapted program for you. Please contact our team for further information!

Why Eidam & Partner?


Our team-building workshops offer a vast mixture of methods: exercises, group challenges, simulations, case studies, videos, etc.


Every further education event is individually adjusted to your situation and needs; no ifs, no buts!


We can't do everything, but we can do one thing really well: optimize international business contacts. This has been our passion for more than 20 years.


We offer you senior experts with broad international work experience, because this background knowledge turns a good seminar into an outstanding training!


We are particularly proud of the average grade of our trainings, which was 1.26 last year [1.0 = very good | 6.0 = very bad].


Eidam & Partner works climate neutral: with green electricity, recycled paper, CO2 compensation via tree planting and many things more.


Numerous additional services are included with every training. This improves the sustainability of our trainings as well as the knowledge transfer.

We are looking forward to you!

More than 550 companies rank among our customers, including Airbus, Audi, HewlettPackard, Leoni and Siemens.

Allow us to win you over!

We are looking forward to you!

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