We optimize your collaboration with Germans...

... so that you can focus 100% on your actual tasks!

Cross-cultural training on Germany

In our training, we prepare your foreign participants for cooperation with German colleagues, customers and business partners. Our goal is to optimize your contact abroad so that you efficiently master your professional challenges without major misunderstandings.

We love interactive seminars and senior experts with years of work experience in both Germany and the participants’ country of origin. This way, our cross-cultural training comes with a maximum of practical relevance and learning fun.

We offer recent know how for your Germany business!


  • Language: English, German or the native language of the participants
  • Location: In-house at your company, in rented seminar rooms all across the world, as a live online training or as Webinar
  • For the design of our advanced trainings, it doesn’t matter whether all participants have the same cultural background. Mixed groups [with people from a variety of countries of origin] are indeed more challenging, but they’re also more exciting. We’ll achieve our educational objectives with both types of groups.
  • Our live training courses can be combined with exciting online elements, such as e-learning, learning nuggets and AI learning tools. This makes training truly enjoyable!

Experts close to you - worldwide

Our 200+ senior experts live all across Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Luxembourg and many other European countries. We also have trainers in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, as well as in North and South America. No matter if on-site or online; we are close to you!

Cross-cultural training on Germany: We offer you senior experts and recent know-how!

Theme overview - Germany training

Module 1: Cultural Values + Communication
  • The cultural values of Germany
  • Effects of German fundamental values on cooperation with other cultures, including common problem areas
  • Your communication success with Germans
  • Properly giving and receiving feedback [on-site and online]
  • Tips and strategies for e-mails, phone calls and online meetings with Germans
  • From an insider perspective: Effects of different cultural preferences [hierarchy, groups, leadership, etc.] on projects, work motivation and work results
Module 2: Doing Business in Germany
  • Business etiquette
  • Hierarchical differences amongst companies [in comparison to the home country of the participants]
  • Work and leadership styles
  • The German concept of teamwork/dealing with colleagues [on-site and online]
  • Successfully establishing and maintaining good relations to German customers, suppliers and business partners
  • Presentations and meetings the German way [on-site and online]
Module 3: On Site in Germany, Conflict Management + Expatriates
  • Differences between private and work life
  • Establishment of trust [on-site and online]
  • Small talk and taboos
  • Conflict management
  • Culture shock
  • We have developed special training modules for people who will be dispatched to Germany [with or without their families].

We'll happily prepare you an individualized quote on this theme. Please contact our team for further information!

Why Eidam & Partner?


Our Germany trainings offer a vast mixture of methods: exercises, group challenges, simulations, case studies, videos, etc.


Every training is individually adjusted to your situation and needs; no ifs, not buts!


We offer you senior experts with broad work experience in Germany and abroad, because this background knowledge turns a good seminar into an outstanding training!


Numerous additional services are already included with every training course. Moreover, we can optimize the learning effect and practical transfer with exciting online elements, such as e-learning, learning nuggets and AI learning tools.


We can't do everything, but we can do one thing really well: optimize business contacts between Germany and other countries. This has been our passion for more than 20 years.


We are particularly proud of the average grade of our Germany trainings, which was 1.22 last year [1.0 = very good | 6.0 = very bad].


We work climate neutral: with green electricity, recycled paper, CO2 compensation via tree planting and many things more.

We are looking forward to you!

More than 550 companies rank among our customers, including Airbus, Audi, HewlettPackard, Leoni and Siemens.

Allow us to win you over!

We are looking forward to you!

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